Golf Apparel - It's All About Good Golf Etiquette
When playing golf, there are many rules. It isn't juat a matterof turning up to a golf course, playing a round of golf and thengoing home. You have to show good golf etiquette to be able tofit in with...
View ArticleGolf-Game for Newbies?
Golf-Game for Newbies?By ElmerFizz.comIf you have decided to take up golf as a hobby you will berewarded with the benefits of fresh air, exercise, and theaddition of many new friends and acquaintances....
View ArticleFeel Of Good Golf
Youve heard it said dozens of times. Golf is a game of "feel".You just know instinctively when somethings right or wrong foryou.It sounds a little confusing, doesnt it? Lets try to take thatvague...
View ArticleFitness For Golf Isn't Just For The Pros
Fitness for golf is a common term on the television these days.Im sure youve heard it a few times. The secret is out. Fitnessfor golf has come to the forefront of total golf performance. Golfers have...
View ArticleGolf Swing Instruction - The Athletic Motion
There is one basic athletic motion which is used in all ofathletics. The golf swing is golf's version of this athleticmotion. It is the same basic motion that is used to hit a tennisball, throw a...
View ArticleMy Core Strength Is Just Fine Thank You, But My Golf Swing Needs
Some of us may have an idea about what core training entails.Swing coaches and trainers talk about it in relation to theswing, but what actually is the core?When the question is asked, &;What is...
View ArticleComponents Of A Golf Exercise Program
Golf exercise program - with the exploding number of so-calledgolf fitness experts these days, it becomes very confusing. It'seasy for a golfer to be misled and end up in a program that willhardly have...
View ArticleGolf Exercise Tip - How To Warm Up
A useful golf exercise tip to take into consideration is thefact that warming up before your game of golf can dramaticallyhelp you improve the quality of your game.The warm up session does not need to...
View ArticleWhy Do Injuries Occur In Golf?
Injuries occur in all athletic events quite frequently, certainsports more so than others. Golf is no different than any othersport. The severity of injuries in golf usually are not assevere as in...
View ArticleUse A Golf Training Club To Quickly Improve Golf Swing Speed
Using a golf training club is one of the most effective ways toincrease golf swing speed and power. You can't get anymore golf-specific than using a golf training club. There are many golf training...
View ArticleGolf Strength Training Exercise Is Not Body Building
Despite many reassurances, some amateur golfers still dread golfstrength training exercises.The problem would appear to be the presence of equipment likedumb bells in this sort of strength training....
View ArticleHow To Get Rid Of Tension In Your Golf Swing
I think we have all been there. You are staring down a long par from the tee box. The fairway is lined with trees on bothsides. The landing area is "tight" and hitting wood or iron isnot an option, the...
View ArticleThe Basics Of Learning Golf
Golf is one of Americas most popular sports. People of all ageswant to play golf. Without learning golf, one cannot play golfproperly. You need to learn the basics of the game and thenpractice them to...
View ArticleWhat can be S.A.I.D. about the Golf Swing?
Probably the question that first comes to your mind when youread this title is: what is S.A.I.D. and how does it help mygolf game? The reality is that S.A.I.D. is very connected toyour golf swing and...
View ArticleThere's a Better Way to Improve Your Golf Game!
How many of you have gone to the local pro shop or golf store,bought the latest and greatest club, and found that it did nothelp your scores at all?I imagine all of us can say yes to this question at...
View ArticleIs this the Worst Golf Tip Ever?
How many times, when you were struggling out there on the golfcourse, have you been offered a golf tip?It seems that there are a whole bunch of golfers who just cannothelp themselves from passing on...
View ArticleWhat Can A Golf Exercise Routine Do For Those Who Are Happy With
Can a golf exercise routine be useful to a golfer who is happywith the current quality of their game?You bet it can. While there are many useful benefits of a golfexercise routine to a persons game...
View ArticleFunctional Exercise For Golf Warrants The Quickest Results
Functional exercise for golf can mean different things todifferent golfers. But the key is to take a look at the golfswing mechanics and devise golf exercises, drills, and golfprograms to strengthen...
View ArticleCore Exercise For Golf Will Improve Your Driving Distance The
Core exercise for golf. Youve probably heard this phrasementioned on the television a time or to. This is the area thatVijay works on the most with his golf trainer and it seems to beworking for him....
View ArticleWhat Can Be S.A.I.D. About The Golf Swing?
Probably the question that first comes to your mind when youread this title is: what is S.A.I.D. and how does it help mygolf game? The reality is that S.A.I.D. is very connected toyour golf swing and...
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