There is one basic athletic motion which is used in all ofathletics. The golf swing is golf's version of this athleticmotion. It is the same basic motion that is used to hit a tennisball, throw a football, kick a soccer ball, or break a rack inpool. To describe the athletic motion, let's take a look at thebaseball pitcher. Why the pitcher? You are familiar with thepitching motion and have probably thrown a ball or two yourself.The pitcher does what you as a golfer want to do; throw it fast,accurately and consistently. As a golfer you want to hit theball long distances and down the middle with consistency.So just how does the pitcher throw the ball? How do you throw aball? It's not complicated. Let's take a look so we can applythese principles to the golf swing. After getting the sign fromthe catcher, the pitcher begins his wind-up by moving his bodyso that all of his weight is on his back foot, the one on thepitching rubber. By doing this, he has caused the arm to befl...