How many times, when you were struggling out there on the golfcourse, have you been offered a golf tip?It seems that there are a whole bunch of golfers who just cannothelp themselves from passing on their own personal favorite golftips when they see a fellow golfer struggling.For one friend of mine this got so bad that he actually refusedto play with a particular golfer who always passed on golf tipswhenever they played together.The problem with the golf tip is that it only affects one smallpart of your swing. And the golf swing is a very complex seriesof movements that have to be carried out precisely, in a correctsequence and at a given speed. If the golf tip you are givenupsets that sequence or throws another part of your swing out ofits normal place it can have a disasterous effect on your shot.The reason why I like Mind-Movies is that they string together,in the correct sequence, all the different positions and movesof a good swing. A good golf Mind-Movie is in eff...