Body motion in the swing is necessary, but too much of a goodthing can wreak all kinds of havoc with your golf swing.I received a question over the weekend from a BioForce Golfsubscriber about "body motion" in the swing. The question from our subscriber asked how not to fall into thetrap of too much movement backwards during the golf swing.What we are really talking about is weight transfer during thegolf swing. Too much weight transfer onto the back foot during the take-awayand backswing causes difficulty in getting back to your frontfoot on the downswing.This creates some difficulties in your timing during the golfswing.Oftentimes, this type of swing fault is termed "body sway."So how do we fix this golf swing fault?Let's take a brief look at golf swing mechanics.Optimal golf swing mechanics are both a rotational rotatingaround a fixed spine angle and linear weight transferbackwards and forwards movement.It is the sequencing proper order and combination of th...