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Golf Resistance Training - Helping To Make You A Better Player

Being a good golfer requires a good level of fitness. Remember,there are long holes you have to play! Thats a lot ofwalking, and swinging and carrying of your bags. If you reallywant to improve your score, enjoy the game more and in generalfeel fitter and healthier, then you need to conside golfresistance training. Regardless of your age, if you start to useresistance traiing on a regular basis, this can help you getinto better shape and even help stave off disease.For the golfers who want to add more power to their swing,whilst also giving their stamina and endurance a boost tocomplete all the holes should consider resistance training,also known as strength training. This is also a great way toloosen up muscles, preventing injury whilst out there on thegolf course. Resistance training simply involves lifting weightsor working out with the resistance machines at a gym. If youwant to, you can also do the resistance training at home, justby using everyday items that...

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